LED Lights for Indoor Tennis Courts – Savings and Benefits

LED Lights for Indoor Tennis Courts – Savings and Benefits

By Leah • Aug 21st 2018

Tennis courts are similar to other industrial size sporting arenas. They need enough space to house the full size court (maximum of 78' by 36' for full court double matches), they need enough room for spectators, other gymnasium equipment and basic practical necessities such as entrance ways and locker rooms. Of course, indoor courts for tennis schools or training college players will need multiple courts. This means the vast indoor size rivals that of aircraft hangers and warehouses.


However, there are also some specific lighting requirements which apply to tennis courts. Fortunately, LED lighting has all of these bases covered.


Lighting Requirements for Tennis Courts


As we mentioned above, the minimum space you will need for a tennis court is the 78' x 36' for the court itself, plus space around for the umpires, player seating and entrances. In indoor tennis courts which are used for matches and tournaments, you will also need seating for spectators.


However, most indoor practice tennis courts for big teams will need multiple courts in the same indoor space.


What many don't consider is the height which is required. If the ceiling is too low, game play cannot be enacted properly. This means even single tennis courts need high bay lighting.


High Bay LED Lighting for Tennis Courts


High bay lighting is required for ceilings of over 20' and the minimum requirements for professional standard indoor tennis courts is 40'. This means you need lights which are strong enough to fill up the space.


High intensity discharge lamps (HIDs) and metal halide bulbs have often been used for this purpose. While they do manage to provide intense amounts of light, they also have some serious disadvantages.


The main problem with HIDs is a lack of both cost effectiveness and energy efficiency. A bulb like our OEO EZ LED BC-P replaces high intensity discharge bulbs and metal halides and saves up to 70% on energy usage in the process. Metal halides will eventually extinguish the noble gases and metal halogen compounds within them. This is a slow process. While the bulb might still be emitting light, it will do at a lower level thanks to the lumen depreciation inherent in the model.


Our LED bulbs do not suffer the same fate. They have a 50,000 hour life expectancy and come with a 5 year warranty. This means even when the score knocks back and forth from love, these bulbs will keep going long after the players are worn out.


Type of Light for Indoor Tennis Courts


The lights can stay on for as long as you want, but if the quality is not there, you will be in trouble. Our LED metal halide replacement bulbs are able to provide a correlated color temperature (CCT) of 5,000 K. This means the power of light is considerable, providing clear cool white to distinguish what is going on.


With a color rendering index (CRI) of 70, this means umpires, players and fans alike will all be able to see if the ball was in or out. Also, with the lens angle capability of our bulbs, we are able to ensure the light stays on the court and is not wasted or misused in other parts of the space. With both retrofit and direct replacement bulbs available, we are able to provide you light which will ensure your indoor courts are up to international standard. Not only this, but they will save you money and reduce energy wastage.