105.  How LED Lighting Affects Our Lives: Insights from Students on Test Scores, Mood, and More

105. How LED Lighting Affects Our Lives: Insights from Students on Test Scores, Mood, and More

By Rebekah Moore • Jul 09, 2024

As a sustainability intern at OEO Energy Solutions and a member of the Green Fee Team at the University of Memphis, I'm exploring how LED lighting impacts student life, from academic performance to overall well-being. To gain diverse perspectives, I’ve interviewed a few students to share their experiences and insights. Modern LED lighting solutions offer dynamic lighting that can significantly enhance cognitive functions and mood, directly impacting student learning and performance. This blog features testimonials from students about how LED lighting has affected their educational experience.

Straight from the Students: How LED Lighting Transforms Our Lives

Julie Mathis, Accounting, The University of Memphis

Q: Can you describe the lighting conditions in your study areas? How does LED lighting compare to traditional lighting in these spaces?

A: “I typically study with lamp lighting. I prefer to study at night, but without proper lighting, I often have a harder time concentrating. I always notice when the lamp has LED lighting because it is bright enough for me to study at night without causing eye strain from being either too dim or too bright.”

Q: Have you noticed any changes in your test scores or academic performance based on the lighting in your study environment? If so, can you share specific examples, particularly with LED lighting?

A: “When I study with harsher overhead lighting, I find it harder to focus and I become more impatient. It makes my study space feel unwelcoming and like I am under pressure. I don’t have specific examples, but I generally perform poorly on assignments done in areas with overly bright or harsh overhead lighting.”

Q: How has the LED lighting in stadiums or sports facilities affected your experience at games or events?

A: “It makes the experience more enjoyable. Initially, the brightness can be overwhelming, but having these lights helps you engagewith the event, highlight certain parts of the venue, and convey different messages.”

Morgan Klein, Health Sciences, Ohio State University

Q: In what ways do you think LED lighting influences your mood and energy levels throughout the day?

A: “Cool, brighter LED lighting helps me feel more awake and focused. In contrast, dimmer, warmer LED lighting creates a calmer mood. Brighter LED lighting gives me more energy, making it an ideal choice for a better study environment.”

Q: Have you experienced any negative effects, such as eye strain or headaches, that you believe are related to poor lighting? Has LED lighting helped alleviate these issues?

A: “I haven't experienced significant negative effects from poor lighting, but flickering lights have occasionally caused headaches. I always notice when there is high-quality LED lighting, however, because it eliminates this issue and prevents my headaches while studying or test taking.”

Tanaaz Muhayya, Biology, Stony Brook University

Q: If you've experienced positive changes from improved LED lighting, can you describe these changes and their impact on your daily life?

A: “I have experienced positive effects of LED lights. For example, increased productivity in performing tasks like schoolwork and house cleaning. In addition, I have found that LED lighting boosts my mood and reduces my tired state in the morning. I find that I get much more done in the day in the presence of LED lighting.”

Q: Do you believe there is a connection between lighting quality and your overall mental health and well-being? Please elaborate, particularly focusing on LED lighting.

A: “Yes, I find that light normalizes and regulates my sleep-wake cycle. Waking up to light in the morning naturally reduces my sleep drive throughout the day. In addition, being in the presence of LED light boosts my mood and optimism.”

Studies have shown that proper lighting can significantly impact cognitive performance and mood. For example, research by the University of Michigan found that students who studied under bright, natural light scored 25% higher on tests compared to those who studied under dim, artificial light. LED lighting provides a "flicker-free" experience and simulates natural daylight, minimizing eye strain and headaches, which enhances student concentration and cognitive function.

Improving lighting conditions on campus can have profound effects on students’ academic performance and well-being. By sharing these insights and testimonials, I hope to encourage more universities to invest in better LED lighting solutions, ultimately fostering a healthier and more productive learning environment.

If you have experiences or insights about how LED lighting affects your student life, please share your thoughts in the comments or reach out to me directly. Together, we can advocate for a brighter and more sustainable future.

If you need guidance on your school's lighting project and selecting the right product for your campus and classrooms, please contact our team at (800) 553-2112 or email [email protected].

About the Author
Rebekah Moore

Rebekah Moore

My name is Rebekah Moore and I am a senior biology major at the University of Memphis. This summer, I am interning for OEO Energy Solutions which allowed me to continue my involvement in sustainability initiatives similar to those at my home university, such as the Green Fee program. 

During my internship, I focused on connecting other universities in the U.S. with free or low-cost LED lighting upgrades. These upgrades significantly enhance the student experience, and OEO Energy Solutions also helps commercial and industrial customers obtain these energy-efficient solutions. Through this experience, I was able to contribute to broader sustainability efforts and gain valuable insights into energy conservation.