LED Lighting for Sports Fields

LED Lighting for Sports Fields

By oeo2018 • Mar 12th 2018

You may think that LED lighting is only designed to set the mood in the living room, make a dining experience top notch or help you find your car in a busy parking garage. The use of LEDs has grown exponentially and they can be applied to improve so many areas of your life.


While this is true for big industries, it doesn't have to be all work and no play. LED lighting for sports fields can be used to make the game more playable, the play more enjoyable and the experience more memorable. This is not to mention the financial benefits which can be involved.


Benefits of LED Lighting for Sports Fields


There are many different types of sports, many played both indoors and out. Each has different gameplay, but with rare exception, seeing what you're doing is of the utmost importance (that is until pin the tail on the donkey becomes an Olympic sport).


LED lighting does not decrease in luminosity as do other types of lighting, such as fluorescent CFLs and metal halide bulbs. This means the lights will keep the same game winning brightness season after season. When they do start to dim, years later, the decrease will be minimal while the savings made will have been substantial.


For Gameplay


The loss of light is not always the first thing on a venue owner's mind. Whether you are a large arena or a smaller space used for amateur sporting events, the quality of gameplay is at the front of everyone's mind, especially for the players and fans.


It is not just the strength of the lights which is important, but the way it fills the space. High bay LED lights create a light space which fills up the horizontal as much as the vertical. With lens angles especially designed to fill up awkward angles, LED lighting can mean the only excuse player's have for making mistakes is their own ability or dedication.


Another important factor for lighting during gameplay is the need for change. If you are feeling flash and want the players to come out to fanfare or you have a local band playing the half-time show, then LEDs are programmable and will turn on and off immediately with minimal lag.


For the Weather


One of the obvious problems for outdoor sporting events is the fact they are dependent on the weather. For the lights, however, this doesn't just mean during the game. Most floodlighting and outdoor lighting will be exposed to the elements every day of the year, which means they need to function rain or shine.


LED lighting can be made waterproof without affecting the quality and luminosity. Also, they are durable and will not decay in bright sunlight the same as more traditional bulbs.


Helps Small and Struggling Local Clubs


Finally, another great reason for your sporting venue to use LED lighting is that they are great for large scale events, but they are just as helpful for smaller operations. Their longevity means they will need changed much less often. They also need less maintenance for changing bulbs. Most importantly, they are cost effective and can same money from the budgets of struggling clubs and teams.